Leveraging Government Regulation to Capitalize on New Market Opportunity
From those first days when a business opens its doors—or, probably more apt these days, goes ‘live’—the struggle to survive is all-encompassing. Doing things better, cheaper, and faster is at the center of every decision the business owner makes...and with good...

How Start-Ups Can Use OKRs To Boost Business
There are many challenges when setting up a business, which is why it is important to have clear goals and strategies on how to achieve them in mind. Establishing objectives and key results (OKRs) is a great way to create targets that everyone can work towards, and...

How You Can Beat A First Mover
Many a company starts out well but finds it loses its way over time. Does this mean you need to go back to basics, or undergo a business model refresh?

When Your Whole Business Model May Need A Refresh
Many a company starts out well but finds it loses its way over time. Does this mean you need to go back to basics, or undergo a business model refresh?

The Art Of Creating A New Market
Devising a product to serve an existing market can be hard because you will be up against existing players. But new market creation is a whole new ball game.

What Leanstack Coaching Can Do For Your Enterprise
If you are starting a new business, you may have heard a lot of terminology and be left wondering what it all means, as well as what might be the best way for you to get going. Among all the terminology, ranging from unique selling propositions to buyer funnels, you...

Could The Tesla Value Proposition Work For Your Firm?
If you want to make your enterprise more innovative to meet its future challenges, you cannot do it off the cuff or in a piecemeal way. What you need is a detailed corporate innovation strategy.

Taking Corporate Innovation To The Next Level
If you want to make your enterprise more innovative to meet its future challenges, you cannot do it off the cuff or in a piecemeal way. What you need is a detailed corporate innovation strategy.

Make Your Value Proposition Unique
When it comes to your value proposition, innovation has a crucial role, in creating something new and truly unique that enables you to provide your customers with something the rest don’t.

What Makes A Good Business Model?
Having a solid, successful business model is essential to ensure you are heading in the right direction and building your business in the most productive way. Whether you are starting something new or trying to refresh an old venture, having the right framework to...