Testing Business Ideas

testing ideas

Systematically Win Big, With Small Bets

Your business is innovative and unique. But how do you know what customers want? How do you know which options are the right ones to pursue?

The good news is that there’s a way to find out, before risking all your resources. And that’s through testing.

Testing helps you reduce the risk of investing in ideas that might not work out, while also helping you find the best route to growth. And it’s a practice that’s catching on fast.

testing loop

Your #1 job as an executive and entrepreneur is to reduce risk in your business!  You can do that quickly and with minimal cost by implementing testing processes to validate  your ideas.   It doesn’t matter if you are a Fortune 500 company or a startup, the days of making a big bet on an idea that is not validated are gone!

Reduce Risk by Testing Your Ideas

To test a big business idea, you have to break it down into smaller chunks of testable bets. These bets cover three types of risk. First, that customers are interested in your idea (Desirability). 

Second, that you can earn enough money from your idea (Viability).  Thirdly, that you can build and deliver your idea (Feasibility).  

assumptions mapping

We must first test the riskiest assumptions in your business model and idea.  Those data points that are very important and have little or no evidence must be tested and validated first, or else your business model and idea will fail!  These are called your “leap of faith” assumptions.  

Experimentation is Tough…We Make It Easier 

You want to start testing your ideas to avoid significant failures but are unsure where to begin.

Experiment Sequences…Run in the Right Order

We help you develop your experiment types arranged by cost, time and strength of evidence. 

Our programs include the following:

– Testing Workshops

– Consulting Within Your Business

The world’s most successful startups and large companies use this strategy to develop products and change the way they do business. Now you can do it, too.


Let us help you systematically win big—with small bets!

business model canvas

Included in the Testing Process

Define Your Value Proposition

A major part of the business model design process is defining your value proposition. We’ll get to know you, your product, and your customers—and then we’ll help you come up with a value proposition that’s sure to satisfy. We offer in-person workshops, remote workshops, and consulting services within your business.

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Business model canvas

Create Business Models That Work

If you need to develop your business model, click below.

A business model is a way of creating, delivering and capturing value for your company. It has a direct impact on your brand and its core values. In today’s highly competitive environment, every business needs to be agile, innovative and on top of trends. The best way to do that is to start by looking at your business model.

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“Brian is adept at Testing Business Ideas. He’s completed the Testing Business Ideas Masterclass and is a valuable asset to help your teams reduce uncertainty in any business idea.”

David Bland

CEO/Founder, author of Testing Business Ideas, Precoil

testing business  ideas book
Brian Gladden


 Brian is an expert in testing business ideas for large companies and startups,  and has been trained by Strategyzer, Precoil, and LeanStack on the leading tools and processes.